Friday, July 22, 2011

Reem Khalifa vs. Lamees Dhaif

The title says it all.  Only if we could do a "Celebrity Deathmatch" would we do them any jusitce!  Lets start with Reem.  Reem Khalifa is the Sunni wife of Mansoor Al-Jamri, former editor of Al-Wasat, back from London, son of the late Abdulamir Al-Jamri.  They pose as a liberal family, Pro-AlWefaq.  So you might ask well, surely with her hair UNCOVERED, how is that possible?  Well like Maryam Al-Khawaja, fighting for a Bahrain (Shiite Religious Govt) they would never live in because it pays well to do so!  

Reem, is also known for two other theatrical performances.  One at the press conference with Sh. Khalid the Foreign Minister where she cried & wept over Bahrain and it's fallen martyrs.  Her shrieking was fake and very annoying.  One can only imagine what Mansoor goes through with her on a daily basis!  The other performance was after the Irish Press Conference in Bahrain, where she sweared at and then went on to Bitch-Slap another (Bahraini) woman (Youtube for evidence on both).  Before all of this, Reem use to write a column in Al-Wasat, no one read it ofcourse but it's the perk you get when your wife of the editor! (Was6a-City)

Lamees Dhaif, unlike Reem she covers her hair.  However, she's addicted to plastic surgery and photographing herself + editing her photos with a lot of photoshop!!  She tries to be funny & witty in her columns, while the somber and sad nature of her negative thoughts can never escape any of her writings.  She like the Khawajas & Nabeel Rajab likes to make shit up, as a main source of many of her pieces.  In fact if you had a lens good enough you'd see it footnoted at the bottom (1. Pile of shit) which gets in the way of her being a legitimate journalist, that nagging thing called the truth some discard. The problem is that she takes herself seriously, while her real crowd are pervy male readers from the Eastern Province of Saudi and some in Bahrain who like some people tend to salivate over her photo-shopped pictures, in an attempt to hook up with her not realizing that in reality her face is actually falling apart.

I can't really make up my mind on who is the most annoying female in Bahrain.  But I'd pay good money to seem wrestle in a ring!  Reem would probably win because of her shrieks, and Lamees's is face already part broken.


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